sign up today for private lessons now available in our Owasso basketball camps. We are a basketball training camp that helps children of all ages improve their skills. If you’re interested in a program which were not quite sure if it will be fit for your child we can guarantee you that it is. However, we do understand that you need that security so you can come and join us for a first session that only cost you one dollar. You will be able to participate in that entire session for only one dollar and there are no commitments and fees associated after the fact. This would give it opportunity to come out meet our coaches and experience our programs in person. We understand that parents want the best for their child and so do we. So make sure that your child is receiving the best services.

Score is an Owasso basketball camps that focuses on improving the skill sets of children of all ages basketball skills mentally and physically. This is an absolute great environment for both boys and girls of all ages and all skill levels. If you know where your child is Ed is there a particular program that would start the event. Although we do do group sessions we definitely agree with focusing in on what your child specific needs are. We have different ogling lessons as a beginner group lessons, advanced group lessons, part of the essence, eyeglasses, and so much more. We will address your child weaknesses and give them both practical and unknown to the public in ways to improve. Part of lessons are very choices for some kids. It allows them to work with two of two different children and it will naturally expose what their strengths and weaknesses look like on a basketball team with their teammates. If you are ready to get better now that give us a call today.

We are the absolute greatest out of all of the Owasso basketball camps. In your first time visitor come on out and enjoy a session with us for the very first time from one dollars. We cannot absolutely wait to meet you and your child and be able to track their progress over the course of the month. If you are ready to take charge now your child for only a higher level than visit our website and click the first time visitor but in the right hand corner and apply so we can give you a call to get you set up. Visit our website and explore many of our positive reviews from clients who have been knocked off their feet by our amazing program.

We have developed countless elite high school, college and professional basketball players over the years. Come and experience Oklahoma’s higher rated in most viewed basketball camps the steel carers every single day about your child. We want to have the most enjoyable yet beneficial program that there is possible, register today. We help our children more positive mindset and become more aware during their basketball game. I’ll be more aware cause your child to be a quicker responder you will and they’re under pressure.

Visit our website today and sign up for your one dollar session with or feel free to give us a call if it is more convenient for you and 918-955-7160.

Register for a Score Basketball Camp

______________has my permission to participate in the SCORE camp, I, as the undersigned, here by release and hold harmless the coaches, SCORE, and any associated sponsors from any and all claims and liability for personal injury arising from participate in all activites and authorize any neccessary medical, diagnostic/hospital procedure as may be performed or prescirbed by a licensed physician. I understand by submitting this form I am authorizing the minor to participate in the SCORE program.
Parents Name
Physicians Name
To Complete Registration Please Indicate if you are paying with cash or online. If paying online proceed to step 2 of the registration process at **Remember**As of August 1, 2013 we will no longer be accepting checks.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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