If you’re wondering what makes score basketball so different from other Tulsa basketball lessons, then you should visit us and see for yourself. If you have never been with for and you can have your one dollar. That means one single dollar I can get your child into the best basketball coaching program in the area. We service all around the Tulsa area’s comments in a matter how far away you are, if you want to drive to, we have is property. We want to help your child become a better basketball player and to reach their goals.

Your child deserves the absoute best and we want to give that to them. We have the highest character coaches and the highest calibur training so your child is in good hands any time they come to our facility. We are obsessed with quality and want to deliver the best to your child and our players. We have coached people all the way up to the NBA level and we know we can do the same for your child. Even if you child does not have goals to go to the NBA, we know we can help them reach whater their goals are.

For Tulsa Basketball Lessons, we are the best facility in the area, and honestly anywhere. Our coaches give their upmost to your childern on and off the court. They believe in the your child in all aspects of life and want to spread your childs confidence to all areas of their lives. Whether this is on or off the court, we want your child to know they are able to accomplish their dreams if they just focus and work hard. Hard work is the epitomy of a coachable and well established player and we want to instill this into each of our athletes.

Score basketball is the best in the business and we want you to know that too. We offer our services to new clients for $1. We are more than confident that we can offer your child the best basketball camp experience that they have ever received so we want you to be able to witness this without spending an arm and a leg. We offer memberships for all budget types, so no matter what you are able to spend for lessons, we have a package for you. We want every child to have an opportynity so we want to make things afforable as possible.

Dont hesitate to call us today at 918-955-7160 or visit our website at grow.scorebball.com to find out more information. We are the best in the industry and we truly care about the wellbeing and success of your athlete. So no matter where yiou are driving in from or where your childs skill sets are, we have the program and the bdhget to help them reach their absolute potential. We want to help coach your child today, so give us a call and let us show you why we are the bnest!

Register for a Score Basketball Camp

______________has my permission to participate in the SCORE camp, I, as the undersigned, here by release and hold harmless the coaches, SCORE, and any associated sponsors from any and all claims and liability for personal injury arising from participate in all activites and authorize any neccessary medical, diagnostic/hospital procedure as may be performed or prescirbed by a licensed physician. I understand by submitting this form I am authorizing the minor to participate in the SCORE program.
Parents Name
Physicians Name
To Complete Registration Please Indicate if you are paying with cash or online. If paying online proceed to step 2 of the registration process at scorebball.com **Remember**As of August 1, 2013 we will no longer be accepting checks.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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